Monday, September 29, 2014

"What's in the BOX!"

 This last week we FINALLY got our stuff! Yay! It's been over a year since we last packed it all up. You could imagine that I had(still have) no clue what I truly own. As the boxes came I started to get all excited. "Yay, it can finally be a home" I thought, but as the men left me there with all my stuff, I had no clue where to start. My excitement quickly changed into more of an overwhelming anxiousness. So as you can imagine our weekend was mainly just unpacking . We did two more trips to Ikea. I love Ikea, but I think that going over there as many times as we have in a month, is ENOUGH. Unfortunately,  now that I have unpacked most of the boxes, I see there is still a butt load of stuff I have to get there. ANNNNYYYYYYWAYYYY, in-between all the unpacking we did get to take a few breaks playing "cars, singing ABC, going to the park, AND on Saturday we got  to go to  The Grove. There we were lucky to meet Susan Petersen from Freshly Picked at her Nordstrom launch. She was so sweet and such a cool lady. We also walked around for a bit and ate some disappointing Louisiana cooking at the Farmer's Market, but it was nice to get away for a bit and spend time with my boys.

This boy and his cars.....oh how he LOVES his cars
Playing at the same playground I played in when I was a little girl......Cool
We went out for dinner a few times since cooking in a tiny cluttered kitchen was just not happening

Looking to see if there is anywhere on this page that says "just move in here"....nope, you can't do that. "It's frowned upon"

My baby was eight month last time we had these couches, he had NO clue what all this stuff was but he was really excited

mystery of "what's in the box, WHAT'S IN THE BOX!!!!!!!!", I could not for the life of me read what the boxes said. 

Another awesome perk of LA, fruit on the street....YUMMO

Mr. Bashful meeting Susan, he did bat his eyes at her a few times, little flirt

David ordered Jambalaya and I got Pasta Salad, who the heck orders pasta salad as a whole meal....big mistake, Baby D liked it though

This kid is just like his Daddy. He loves to help building and using tools for the furniture

Ahhhhhhhhh, naps, if only I was as good as he is at taking them.....Those lashes....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, but I would totally move in at Ikea if I could.... hehe!
