Wednesday, November 19, 2014


As you have probably noticed, this nomad has had trouble with blogging ever since our constant moving and traveling ceased. I guess I'm even more unproductive with this stuff when I'm back at a "normal" schedule. Life in no means is boring though, just less exotic. I actually feel that now that I am sorta settled now my time goes by way faster . So more things to take up my time, less traveling but since we live in a fun and busy place our weekends seem to be extra fun, even if it's just doing "regular" things. So here is what we've been up to the last couple of months we've been here

P.S they are SO not in order (aint nobody got time for that)

A few weeks ago Sergio was back in town for business and my mom was in town because she loves us. We got to walk around a bit and go eat to a VERY delicious Korean BBQ place. 

Seriously it was SO good, all those goodies around are side dishes and are unlimited...We found our favs and ordered for more a few times.

Since they were here for Dia de los Muertos, we obviously had to have some pan de muerto, so David googled a few places and happened to find one that is named after the city he was born in.

At home David took advantage of his time with his Tio and had a lightsaber fight.
Then Big David also joined in on the fun 

I don't know if I have mentioned this but we got the BEST apartment location. We are walking distance from David's job AND church. Our Sundays are pretty low key, churching it, napping (a MUST for all three, and then we wake up and David normally is the one in charge of dinner that day so I get to nap a little longer.

Oh yea one day we made Paper planes, can you believe he still has one of them in tact? He really really liked doing this with his Dad

Also look at this sandwich! Yes it was as delicious as it looks

 One weekend we went to go watch Big Hero 6. It was a really fun movie to watch with my buddy, he loved it.

After the movie we went to go have Sushi and Ramen, this kid is a Salmon and Yellowtail fan. He doesn't love the seaweed so much, next time we have to order Sashimi for him

This was about a month ago and David LOVED it. Little Travel Town in Griffith Park, fun and FREE, we are all about that. Except for the train ride that was not free....

He could have said in this area forever

"Climbing trees" with daddy

We live close to my aunt and uncle and my cousin Estefi, we've been able to come over for dinner and Estefi comes over to help us out SO much, and of course to watch our favorite TV shows.
 Baby D loves going over to Tita's house or having his Tia come over

Here is what we did this last weekend. We ate out, I sewed for a long time, and we walked around the Americana. Our Favorite was the Shabu Shabu we had.....We've already been back......Seriously so good

Just grabbing a handful of raw meat no biggy....

And Pizza for dinner, that was ok I guess, not bad for the price

This kid reminds me of my brother Haffid, he loves to "dress up" and though it's more like pile on whatever you find, it's my favorite.....even the lampshade

Besides the costume I've made for my Baby ,this skirt is the first thing I've really made....not too shabby eh? Just don't look too close and notice all the things I have yet to work on

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